To know God and to make Him known
hands holding a tree

Classical Learning Cohort

Learning Classical Tools through
Practice and Hospitable Assessment

Introducing the Classical Learning Cohort

Grow in Confidence

At Classical ConversationsĀ®, we believe that parents can provide quality education for their children. Yet, parents often feel unsure of how to accomplish this goal. Our Classical Learning Cohort program can help! These cohorts help CC Directors, Tutors, and Parent-Teachers grow in confidence and competence with the classical tools of learning and as classical educators.

Together Is Better

The Classical Learning Cohorts accomplish this by meeting regularly online and practicing the tools of learning with discussion, presentations, and assessment. You will engage, experience, and enlarge your classical teaching expertise alongside parents just like you!

CLC was the perfect amount of time: every other week for two hours, with six meetings. It was manageable and the cost was well worth it! The lessons my mentor presented each time were great, and it was a growing experience.


Designed for You

CC’s online, practical, intimate Classical Learning Cohorts are for CC Directors, Tutors, and parents, in other words, you! Each cohort is a positive, restful, and classical mentoring experience designed to build confidence and skill for teaching and assessing well. The Classical Learning Cohorts exist to support Classical Christian Community and home-centered education.

CLC has been great in helping me follow a form in preparing my lessons at home . . . I think through the lessons . . . and how to relate them to the students and create a desire to learn the material. The questions have been very helpful in assessing that the students are following the lessons, too.


Worth the Investment

Sure, weā€™re biased, but CLC members will tell you, yes! The CLC experience is a worthy investment. This is a cost-effective program that articulates, models, and offers practical engagement with the classical model of learning. You will cultivate new skills and grow in assurance and confidence as you provide a quality education for your children.

The CLC has had the single largest positive impact on my growth as a classical educator. It is the reason my class feels successful on community day, and it has changed how I give assessment.

Laura G.

My Essentials classes are far more engaging, and I am able to clearly see the important pieces of the lesson . . . with the specific students I am walking with, and Iā€™m better able to bring those two elements together in a meaningful way.


This has given me so much confidence in . . . my own skills, a desire to seek to improve in showing hospitality to my students, and encouragement that other moms are out there doing the same thing each week!


It has helped me grow in leading my classes and my own children to be more efficient, classical, confident, and gracious.


The CLC has given me the confidence to teach my children at home and to lead Essentials in my community.


The cohort does a great job of helping parents, teachers, and directors, feel equipped to lead a lesson and a conversation. Each semester [builds] on the previous one nicely, giving a well-rounded picture.


Experience the CLC

You are invited to an Experience the Classical Learning Cohort Ask a Mentor event!

This free, no-pressure event will give you a little bit of first-hand knowledge of what to expect from the cohort.

Click on the event link in the calendar list to register for this online event.

May 2024


Experience the CLC

Presenter: Rebecca Seo

11:00 am EST


Experience the CLC

Presenter: Christine Hollingsworth

10:00 am EST


Experience the CLC

Presenter: Jenn Scott

8:00 pm EST


Experience the CLC

Presenter: Sharon Edwards

2:00 pm EST

Frequently Asked Questions

Each cohort will have up to six Members and one Mentor.

Each cohort schedule varies. However, each cohort generally meets twice per month for a total of six meetings per semester.

Habits take time. Three semesters allow Members enough time to develop skills and form habits.

While it would be ideal to cover all three semestersā€™ materials with the same cohort Members, membership sometimes fluctuates, reflecting changes in Membersā€™ circumstances. Like the Cycles in Foundations, Members can join in any semester and benefit fully from their participation.

Members present lessons twice per semester.

Classical Learning Cohort Members learn through practice and assessment. Each semester is focused on a topic, but all three semesters weave together to create one program. The three semestersā€™ topics are: Creating Exordia, Developing Comparison, and Practicing Assessment.

Members are not required to commit to all three semesters. We understand that circumstances change which may prevent Members from completing all three semesters consecutively. We do, however, require completion of all three semesters to be considered a Classical Learning Cohort graduate.

Because peer assessment is an important part of the program, live meeting attendance is a requirement. However, Mentors do their best to record cohort meetings. If needed, Members can watch a recording and provide a summary to the Mentor.

ā€¢ High-speed internet
ā€¢ Webcams (enabled webcams are required)
ā€¢ Discourse Discussion Forum (our communications platform)
ā€¢ Word, PowerPoint, or similar app

Members use a variety of methods to present lessons online. Some use a Word document with a drawing tool, some use PowerPoint, and others use similar applications. Members do not need to be an expert with technology, but they do need to be comfortable with screen sharing and applications like those mentioned above.

Members will attend live meetings online, provide live peer assessment, prepare and present two lessons per semester, and practice the Classical Learning Cohort skills in a Classical Conversations Community, at home, or in a leadership role. Practice is an important part of participating in the cohort.

Cohort Members present fifteen-minute Math, Latin, or English Grammar lessons. Because Cohort Members direct or participate in various CC programs, the lesson concepts vary in complexity. Members do not need to be experts in Math, Latin, or English Grammar, but they do need to be comfortable with participating in conversations above their current experience level.

A Mentor is a Classical Learning Cohort graduate who uses Classical Conversations materials to lead cohort meetings.

A CLC retreat is a once-a-year optional event for graduates. Members and Mentors gather together in a beautiful and restful setting to practice leading discussions. They also enjoy feasting and laughing together.

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Curious about our cohorts or ready to apply for a seat? Complete this form to receive more information and an application.