
Lost within the pages of the 2023 Classical Conversations Catalog is a glamour shot of Leigh Bortins, founder of Classical Conversations, taken during her youth. Are you able to find her? 

Locate our founder in the 2023 Catalog then enter your contact information and the location of the glamour shot of Leigh Bortins (page number) in the form on this page. If you have the correct answer we will enter you for a chance to win $250 to the Classical Conversations online bookstore!

Contest closes June 30th, 2023. The winner will be contacted the week of July 4, 2023. Good luck!

I know where Leigh is!

Enter your contact information and the 2023 Catalog page number in the space below. If your answer is correct you will be entered into the Find Our Founder Contest.

Homeschooling Made Doable

Homeschooling your child is a big step. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone! With Classical Conversations, you are connected to a local community of fellow families, all walking the homeschool journey together.

Since 1997, we have been partnering with and equipping homeschool families worldwide through our classical, Christian communities. This means you not only join hands with more than 45,000 families in over 50 countries across the globe, but you also link arms with a local community of homeschoolers and gain access to resources that make homeschooling from a biblical perspective doable.

With structured yet easily adaptable programs from kindergarten through college credit, we are here to support and guide you every step of the way, allowing you to homeschool with confidence!


Do life alongside like-minded families, providing you with support and accountability.

K-College Credit

We offer kindergarten through college credit, with degree opportunities for parents, too.


Our programs can be easily tailored to fit your family's schedule and learning style.

Curriculum Test

Our classical, Christ-centered curriculum is proven and easy-to-follow.


Practical resources like weekly lesson plans give you the confidence to homeschool.


We equip parents through hands-on and on-demand training.

You've Got This, We've Got You


Echo in Celebration

  • Christian Leadership Training
  • Home School Parent Training
  • Worldview Training for Students


Homeschool with a Friend

  • Weekly Academic Community for Families
  • Annual Academic Events
  • Family Fellowship


Curated Curriculum

  • Classical Literature
  • Original Source Documents
  • Parent Library
"I needed accountability, community and guidance. Classical Conversations filled every need and concern I had." - Julie
"What other curriculum has weekly modeling lessons for us parents?" - Heather
"My community is my tribe. They are an extension of my family and make a difference in my success as a homeschooler." - Niki
"Before beginning Classical Conversations and starting a journey towards classical, Christian education, I did not realize the degree to which raising, educating, and discipling my children could be interwoven." - Ronnie
"We needed friends and accountability. CC gave us a framework! Foundations and Essentials were our roadmaps. Challenge was the destination! We found friends. We began to thrive." - Michele
"CC provides a ‘one stop shop’ for all of my homeschooling needs." - Autumn