Homeschool with Confidence.
Homeschool with Clarity.
Homeschool with CC.
Since 1997, Classical Conversations has been helping parents like you overcome obstacles to homeschooling. We provide a clear and proven road map to success from early childhood through graduation so that you can focus on what really matters: finding joy in the homeschool journey.
Why Classical Conversations?
Here's what you can expect from us:
A Clear Road Map
Our time-tested approach guides your child through distinct learning stages, ensuring they build a strong foundation and graduate with the skills they need.
A Supportive Homeschool Group
We connect you with other homeschool families who become your friends and your support system.
Training and Equipping
We equip you with the skills to teach your child, regardless of your own educational background.
A Christ-Centered Worldview
We believe that the purpose of education is to know God and to make Him known. Our Christian homeschool curriculum is rooted in biblical principles, and our communities are grounded in a shared faith in Christ.
Ready to experience the joy of homeschooling?
Connect with us today.
Connect with Us
Fill out the form below, and we'll connect you with a representative in your area. We'll send you an email with the next steps as well as free resources.
Our mission is to know God and to make Him known. Therefore, we aspire to develop minds and souls.
Why Classical, Christian Education?
As a parent, you want a clear path forward for your family's education, a reliable road map from kindergarten through graduation. But you want more than just academic success. You want to prepare your child for life.
The classical, Christian model goes beyond the narrow focus of contemporary education and develops both mind and soul.

+ Classical
Classical Conversations embraces the time-tested approach of the classical model, equipping you to cultivate lifelong learners through the art of learning itself.
Our programs impart the skills to acquire, analyze, and skillfully present knowledge across a diverse subjects. By developing memory skills, logical reasoning, and persuasive communication, equip parents to homeschool with confidence and students to excel in any chosen pursuit.

+ Christian
Classical Conversation's core mission is to know God and to make Him known.
Our Christian homeschool programs place God at the center of all learning. Ultimately, our academic pursuits are guided by the conviction that all knowledge ultimately points to God's truth.
Our curriculum and services ensure that families are equipped to conquer any obstacle in their pursuit of Christ.

+ Community
Are you looking for a homeschool group near you?
Our local communities gather once per week for enriching academic programs, where skilled Tutors model effective learning techniques and students engage in group projects and practice public speaking.
This supportive environment builds lasting friendships and a strong support network for homeschooling families.
About Us
Founded by Leigh Bortins in 1997, Classical Conversations has grown from eleven students and parents in the basement of Leigh's North Carolina home to over 45,000 families spread over 50 countries across the world.
Yet Classical Conversations hasn't forgotten its roots. We always were and always will be about family. The Bortins family has always valued following God’s guidance in teaching other families how to “train up their children in the way that they should go.”
We Believe
- The purpose of education is to know God and to make Him known.
- God trusts parents with their children, and so should we.
- Wrestling with truth promotes blessing and virtue for the whole community.
- Education is the responsibility of the family, with support from fellow believers.
- The support of community enhances our ability to fulfill parental duties.
Our Core Values
- Grace in speech: Colossians 4:6
- Humility of mind: Philippians 2:3-4
- Integrity in action: Titus 2:7
- Diligence in work: Romans 12:11
- Excellence in results: Philippians 1:10