Reasoning Together

A new curriculum series from Classical Conversations MultiMedia.

Equip Your Student to Reason Well

The Reasoning Together series prepares Challenge students to evaluate competing claims about truth, goodness, and beauty through the reliable lens of Scripture. Throughout this series, students will exercise their God-given faculty of reason by testing claims, discerning error, and wrestling with great ideas. The culmination of Reasoning Together will equip students to emerge as confident thinkers capable of leading others in evaluating the world around them. 

2025 Reasoning Together Philosophy Cover 1

Come Now, and Let Us Reason Together

In Isaiah 1:18, the Lord says, “Come now, and let us reason together.”

With these words, God issues both a sincere invitation and a profound challenge to His people. God calls upon us to engage our minds, discern our errors, and assess what is truly good in life. He reminds us that our ability to reason is a gift and a responsibility—a means to love Him with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind, and with all our strength.

Reasoning Together equips you to answer this call by providing your family and community with the skills needed to explore the world of ideas together. 

Wisdom is a journey. Begin yours today with Reasoning Together.

Come now, and let us reason together.

—Isaiah 1:18

What Is Reasoning Together?

Reasoning Together is a series of resources that guides homeschool families in developing robust analytical skills with a Christ-centered foundation.

With Reasoning Together, your student will

  • cultivate the art of careful observation, attentive listening, and insightful questioning;
  • practice the skills to assess claims of truth, goodness, and beauty;
  • develop a keen eye for logical fallacies and sound arguments;
  • and gain deeper insights into philosophy, theology, and aesthetics.

From puzzles and analogies to complex syllogisms and classical reasoning skills, this series provides a structured progression that aligns with students’ natural intellectual development. Reasoning Together takes a unified, graduated approach in equipping students to identify errors, perceive beauty, and embrace truth.

Furthermore, the products in Reasoning Together are designed to provide instruction in the Reasoning strand for study at home and preparation for community conversations. These books also develop habits of lifelong clear and Christ-centered thinking.  Together, you’ll learn to discern truth, goodness, and beauty through sound reasoning.


Why Choose Reasoning Together?

In today’s complex world, the ability to think clearly and analyze effectively is crucial. Reasoning Together equips students with practical skills that extend far beyond the academic years while honoring God’s gift of reason.

Students will develop decision-making skills by learning to break down complicated problems, weigh options objectively, and make informed choices rooted in sound principles. They’ll sharpen analytical abilities that support academic achievement across all subjects.

Students will develop the ability to articulate ideas clearly, construct persuasive arguments, and engage in productive discussions with grace and confidence. They’ll gain invaluable life skills to evaluate media messages, resolve conflicts, and approach real-world challenges with wisdom and discernment.

Finally, students will deepen their thirst for wisdom as well as their ability to self-educate, continually growing in their understanding of the world. Reasoning Together teaches students how to think.

Invest in your student’s future success with the timeless skill of sound reasoning.

What Parents Are Saying about Reasoning Together Philosophy

I have never seen an introduction to philosophy as “the love of wisdom” designed for intelligent high school students that is as diversified yet unified, as challenging yet engaging, as this one. Peter Kreeft, Professor of Philosophy, Boston College
. . . [i]t’s been great to have so many conversations causing them to wrestle with big questions and also to question our society in light of God’s word. Thank you for this opportunity. We have learnt so much and it’s made philosophy so much more relevant and accessible. Tania Potter, UK Challenge III Director
Reading Reasoning Together Philosophy grew me in a number of ways. It grew me intellectually and spiritually. It also helped me to grow as a leader who thinks more like the great philosophers did as I practiced leading conversations. Leading conversations about theology in Challenge IV is so much easier now because I have practiced leading philosophy conversations! This study helped me to think more critically about the arguments that I encounter and whether I believe them. Comparing the arguments of two philosophers a week to the teaching of the Author of all things helped me to grow in wisdom and encouraged me to seek the good life. Lucy Lewis, Challenge IV Student
As a Tutor, I saw my students grow by leaps and bounds in their thinking, reading skills, conversation leading, friendships, and faith. They heeded the biblical call to pursue wisdom. They now define the study of philosophy as the pursuit of wisdom, or friendship with wisdom. They see the value of wrestling to understand the actual works of philosophers. They have learned to carefully attend to the reading of philosophical texts, highlight and annotate so they can follow the arguments, and ask significant, human questions. They have grown in their ability to lead great conversations that provoke their peers to consider their choices and ponder how they, too, might live the good life, a life of virtue. Brittany Lewis

The Reasoning Together Approach

Reasoning Together takes students on a journey through the art and science of testing ideas, tailored to their developmental stages and the unique challenges of each level. Our approach is built on the classical arts:

  • Progressive Skill Building: From Challenge A to Challenge IV, students incrementally develop their reasoning abilities. They start with foundational skills before advancing toward in-depth philosophical discussions.
  • Integrated Learning: Reasoning skills aren’t taught in isolation. Instead, they’re woven into discussions about art, music, literature, and theology. This interdisciplinary approach helps students see the relevance of logical thinking across all areas of life and learning.
  • Community and Individual Growth: Students learn to articulate their thoughts clearly, listen attentively to others, and engage in respectful discussions, even where they may disagree.

Our vision is to develop a fit mind that is able to discern what is true, good, and beautiful; the habit of testing ideas through questions, syllogisms, and dialogue to detect slipshod thinking; and unity within the family and community by cultivating a Christlike mind, able to perceive Truth.

Take the First Step on the Journey of Reason

For parents who feel daunted by the task of guiding their children through today’s clash of ideas, Reasoning Together offers a solution. This series sharpens your student’s analytical abilities and provides an opportunity for you to hone your own logical thinking skills as you journey together.

With Reasoning Together as your guide and with your community supporting you every step of the way, you can discover the joy of navigating the world of ideas with confidence and clarity. 


Coming Soon

Release Date: Early April 2025, and beyond. Reasoning Together Philosophy will be available for purchase beginning April 1, 2025. Additional products will release each year after.

  • 2026 Reasoning Together: Fallacies
  • 2026 Reasoning Together: Puzzles
  • 2026 Reasoning Together: Words in The Word
  • 2028 Reasoning Together: Satire
  • 2029 Reasoning Together: Simple Syllogisms
  • 2029 Reasoning Together: Complex Syllogisms

Availability: Classical Conversations Bookstore

For more information on pricing and how to purchase, please contact your local Classical Conversations Book Representative, or visit our website.


+ Classical

Reasoning Together embraces the classical trivium, focusing on dialectic. The series cultivates the art of testing ideas and artifacts to discern truth, goodness, and beauty. Students engage with timeless works from Socratic dialogues to introductions in philosophy and theology, developing the habits of clear, logical thinking that have been valued for millenia.


+ Christian

Rooted in the Biblical invitation to “reason together” (Isaiah 1:18), this curriculum equips students to love God with their minds and teaches them to evaluate truth claims through a Scriptural lens. By studying logic, philosophy, and theology, students learn to recognize God’s wisdom in creation and apply Christ-centered principles to complex ideas.


+ Community-Based

In the Classical Conversations community, students engage in discussions of their at-home discoveries. These conversations allow students to share insights, challenge ideas respectfully, and deepen their understanding. The community setting provides a safe space to practice articulating thoughts, asking insightful questions, and reasoning together.


What specific products will be included in Reasoning Together?
Analogies, Puzzles, Fallacies, Beauty, Satire, Syllogisms, Dialogues, Complex Syllogisms, Philosophy, and Words in the Word.
How does Reasoning Together integrate with the Challenge program?

Reasoning Together is specifically designed to align with the Reasoning strand of the Classical Conversations Challenge program. Here’s how it fits in:

Strand-Based Integration: Classical Conversations programs are organized along six strands of learning: Logic, Grammar, Research, Exposition, Debate, and Reasoning. Reasoning Together naturally aligns with and supports the Reasoning strand.

Skills-Focused Approach: Rather than focusing on specific subjects, these strands emphasize essential skills of learning. Reasoning Together helps students develop and apply critical thinking skills across various topics and disciplines.

Community Learning: Students practice these reasoning skills as they study and discuss quality content with their peers and a trained facilitator in their local Classical Conversations community.

Progressive Development: As students advance through the Challenge levels (A through IV), Reasoning Together provides age-appropriate content and exercises that build upon previous years’ learning, ensuring a comprehensive development of reasoning skills.

Cross-Strand Application: While primarily aligned with the Reasoning strand, the skills developed through Reasoning Together naturally enhance students’ abilities in other strands, such as Logic, Debate, and Exposition.

Holistic Education: By integrating seamlessly with the Challenge program, Reasoning Together contributes to the Classical Conversations goal of providing a well-rounded classical, Christian education that prepares students to think clearly and communicate effectively.

In essence, Reasoning Together serves as a core component of the Reasoning strand, providing structured content and exercises that complement and enhance the overall Challenge program experience.

What’s the typical time commitment per week for Reasoning Together?

The typical weekly time commitment is two to four hours, depending on the program and the student.

What support is available for parents who are new to teaching these concepts?

While Reasoning Together resources can be used independently, we strongly encourage families to join the Classical Conversations (CC) community for optimal support and results. Here’s why:

Community Support: Join a network of families who meet weekly, sharing the homeschooling journey and discussing Reasoning Together concepts.

Clear Educational Road Map: CC provides a structured pathway from four years old through college credit, giving you confidence in your homeschooling decisions.

Tutor Guidance: Experienced Tutors lead weekly discussions, helping both students and parents navigate complex topics.

Parent Resources: Receive access to training and resources designed to equip you to teach these concepts effectively.

Integrated Curriculum: Reasoning Together fits into the broader Challenge program, providing a cohesive educational experience.

Confidence to Homeschool: With CC’s proven methods and supportive community, you’ll gain the confidence to lead your child’s education successfully.

While the Reasoning Together materials are comprehensive and can be used on their own, the full benefits of the program are best realized within the CC community. This holistic approach ensures that you have the support, resources, and confidence to teach Reasoning Together effectively and cultivate wisdom and virtue in your students.