Why become a Support Representative?

Support Representatives Make a Difference

Support Representatives are homeschool parents who love Classical Conversations and are passionate about growing new homeschool communities, providing leaders with encouragement and support, and recruiting new leaders.

Scroll down to learn more.



Support Representative Roles

Plan for Growth

  • Create and implement a growth plan.
  • Develop a long-term strategy for recruiting Directors to fill needs in current communities.
  • Develop a short-term event strategy to create new communities in the wider territory.


  • Host Outreach Events to identify potential new Directors.
  • Recruit and license Directors while building trust and relationship.
  • Utilize Classical Conversations Customer Relationship Management software.

Partnering for Retention

  • Provide monthly Team and individual coaching for Directors.
  • Communicate community needs to Team Leadership during regular Team and individual calls.
  • Visit local communities to support Directors, Tutors, and families.

If you're interested in learning more about becoming a Support Representative, please fill out the form. A Classical Conversations Team Leader will be in contact with you soon.